How to Get the Maximum Benefit from BB Cream

BB Creams are no more the mystCapture01ery they used to be. Modern consumers understand that these creams are wonderful solutions that can give you glowing and spotless skin without any side effects. They know that they are just a chemical solution that aims at enhancing the skin. Applying a BB cream, however, still remains a dreaded area. There is always a risk of ending with an uneven, cakey or blotchy layer of cream.

Master the Art

To help you master the art of applying your blemish balm cream perfectly, here are some quick and simple tips. Follow them, practice again of you don’t get it perfect in the first go, but keep doing it until you master it.

1.    Start by squeezing a bit of cream onto the back of your hand.
2.    Then, using your index finger, take the cream from your hand and apply five dots, one each on your cheeks, chin, nose and forehead.
3.    Using the same finger spread the cream around the dots. Do not apply any pressure. Do it lightly by tapping your finger.
4.    Once cream from all five dots is even spread around the face, rub it gently using your fingers only.
5.    Keep doing it till the cream spreads all over the face evenly.


If you think using your fingers is not working, you can try doing it with a small face sponge. The best way is to use the sponge to spread the five dots. It is, however, important to remember that using a sponge can take away the moisture of the skin. To avoid it, use a mist spray before using the BB lotion. If you have dry skin, stick to a liquid BB cream and apply it using a brush.

All these instructions are important to get the perfect look for special occasions. Brands like Hydroxatone come with detailed instructions and make the application process quite easy. If you still have doubts, go through the above instructions again and practice till you master the art.

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